Sunday, August 30, 2009

He just doesn't get it

So upon discovering this blog Deepthroat, rattlesnake, dave, joy in ottawa, tdeem1,2,3... terry... you pick the name, well he decides to make one small revision to his silly blog. All the other delusional bullshit remains but he thought it best to update the story about the two women charged with robbing a local cab driver. And still he get's it wrong!

As was mentioned in this blog the charges were dropped. Which means the photos of the accused have to be retracted, but they weren't. For a guy who claims to be so tuned in it's funny that he didn't know the charges were dropped and even funnier that in his Edit To Add he got the facts wrong, again. This time accusing the cab driver of lying which is not the case.

For those of you interested in the FACTS here's the real story

It truly is amazing how little this guy knows, amazing! He can't get the basic facts straight which is why no one believes the crap on his blog.

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This site is a collection of corrections and contradictions to the absurd rantings of a failed player in the adult industry. Never made a success of it himself, so he's out to lie and discredit those who do and have.